Tips and Insights for Stunning Coastal Photography

“Coastal photography offers a unique and dynamic environment that can yield stunning images, but it also comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. Here, I’ll share my approach to coastal photography, along with some tips and insights that I’ve gathered from my experiences”

Preparation is Key

I use the weather app Windy to check tide times.

One of the most important preparatory steps is checking the tide times. This isn’t just for the sake of getting the best photographs but also for ensuring safety. There have been instances where I found myself marooned on a rock with the incoming tide cutting off my path back. Such situations are not only frightening but also dangerous. Knowing when the tide will be high or low can help you avoid these predicaments. Additionally, low tides reveal more of the shoreline, providing a plethora of foreground opportunities that can enhance your landscape compositions.

Gear Matters

When it comes to gear, a wide-angle lens is my go-to choice for coastal photography. My preferred setup is my 7 to 14mm lens on my m4/3 camera, or my 14 to 30mm lens on my full-frame camera. This wide field of view allows me to capture expansive scenes and dramatic foregrounds. However, it’s important to remember that every photographer is different. Some may prefer telephoto lenses to isolate elements in the scene or capture distant details. The key is to experiment with different focal lengths and find what works best for you.

Lighting Considerations

Lighting is another critical factor in coastal photography. While golden hours—sunrise and sunset—are often ideal for capturing warm, soft light, it’s important not to discount other times of the day. Overcast skies can create a moody atmosphere, and mid-day sun can sometimes highlight the vibrancy of the ocean and sky. Some of my favourite coastal shots were taken under dramatic, stormy skies, which add a sense of drama and scale to the images.

Foreground Interest

I used these wildflowers to add foreground interest.

Foreground interest is particularly important in coastal scenes. Rocks, driftwood, seaweed, and wildflowers can all serve as compelling foreground elements that lead the viewer’s eye into the frame. For example, on a recent shoot in Scotland, I used sea thrift flowers and rocky outcrops to add depth and interest to my compositions. Finding the right balance between foreground and background elements can be challenging, but it often results in a more engaging and dynamic photograph.

Long Exposure Techniques

An image from I took in Anglesey, North Wales shot at 1/4 sec. See how I captured this shot here on YouTube.

Long exposure photography is another technique that can yield stunning coastal images. By using a tripod and neutral density filters (I use these), you can achieve silky smooth water and capture the movement of clouds, adding a sense of tranquility and ethereal beauty to your photos. While I sometimes shoot handheld, relying on in-camera stabilisation and digital ND filters on my OM System OM-5, a tripod and physical ND filters often provide more control and versatility.

Enjoy the Experience


Finally, the most important tip I can offer is to enjoy the experience. Coastal photography should not just be about capturing the perfect shot but also about immersing yourself in the natural beauty of the environment. Take the time to appreciate the sights, sounds, and smells of the coast. This not only enhances your enjoyment but can also lead to more thoughtful and inspired photography.

Coastal photography is a rewarding pursuit that combines technical skills with an appreciation for nature’s beauty. By preparing adequately, experimenting with different techniques and equipment, and staying open to the unexpected, you can capture stunning images that convey the brilliance of the coast. Most importantly, remember to enjoy the journey, as the experience itself is just as valuable as the photographs you take.

Thank you all so much for reading.

If you’d like to see more of my work, please check out this video and feel free to share your coastal photography tips in the comments below.


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